
/ədˈvanst/: adjective

  1. modern and recently developed.

  2. far on or ahead in development or progress.

  3. a favorable position


/räk/: noun

  1. the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans.


/kraft/: verb

  1. exercise skill (e.g. with hands)


The mission of Advanced Rockcraft is to offer fun, competence and confidence to all climbers.

About Dustin

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sounds like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest.



For fourteen years I have led and supported climbers outdoors and indoors, from ages five to eighty-five, and participated in over ten thousand roped ascents. My expertise is experience-based education, healing, and flourishing. Your vision in the vertical is possible; let me guide you up there and back down.


by the American Mountain Guides Association (since 2013)

in Mohonk Preserve (since 2010)

by the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (since 2010)

by the National Casualty Company (since 2016)


Certified Rock Guide (2016)
Certified Rock Instructor (2013)
American Mountain Guides Association

B.A. Environmental Studies (2009)
Pennsylvania State University

Professional Experience

Owner / Operator / Guide
Advanced Rockcraft, Gunks NY
2016 - present

Guide Apprenticeship
New York 2010 - 2016
North Carolina 2009 - 2010

Domestic Guiding
I’ve also taught climbers in Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming. 2009 - present

Other Work-At-Heights

  • Event / Stage Rigging
    2014 - present

  • Film & TV Production
    2012 - present

  • Fine Art Handling / Installation
    2010 - present

  • Building Science
    All phases, 2007 - present

Personal Climbing Experience


Ascents at hundreds of crags across 36 states.

International expeditions to Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Italy, and Sardinia.

Varied Terrain

Length: Dozens of Grade IV, V and VI routes up to 45 pitches; thousands of single- and multi-pitch climbs.

Traditional rock climbing up to 5.12d; numerous R/X rated ascents.

I’ve climbed conglomerate overhangs in the Gunks, jammed golden granite in Patagonia, topped out on sunny spires in the Mediterranean, crossed bergschrunds in British Columbia, navigated choss in Mexico, pumped out of limestone caves in Italy, swung into frozen blue waterfalls in Quebec, placed crampon points on brittle verglas in New England, and shoveled through bottomless facets in Colorado.

Personal Gunks Highlights

Keelhauled (second ascent, unrated), Thunderdome (5.12d R), Requiem for a Heavyweight (5.12d), El Kabong (5.12b/c R), Slammin’ (5.12b R), To Be or Not To Be (5.12a X, multiple lead ascents), Betty (5.3) and Gelsa (5.4) car-to-car speed records.

First Ascents

In New York’s Shawangunk and Catskill Mountains and California’s Sierra Nevada.

Other Qualifications & Attributes

Warrior’s Way Licensed Trainer (since 2019)

AMGA Assistant Alpine Guide (since 2018)

Wilderness First Responder (since 2010)

Gunks Climbers’ Coalition Board & Committee Member (since 2012)

Climbing photos of me have been featured in Rock & Ice Magazine, Climbing Magazine, Gripped Magazine, the 2021 Gunks Climbing guidebook, and Yankee Rock and Ice, a history of climbing in the Northeastern US.

Resident of Ulster County, New York (since 2010)

Loving father

Highly Sensitive Person

Enjoys gardening and practicing banjo